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About SNL Outlet

Salt n Light, Baby!

Heal & Bloom!

Healing Journey

Self Care Products & SNLB Merch

Self Care Coach Sessions

Peer to Peer Support

Mental Health Advocacy

Salt n Light, Baby! Healing Journey, Aromatherapy on the Go self care products, Heal n Bloom group coaching, and The Sunflower Patch positive peer to peer support.  SNLBO advocates for Mental Health Wellness and Suicide Prevention.  Our motto is Heal n Bloom into living your best life.

Our Story

SNL Outlet is founded on the inspiration that Mental Illness Recovery is possible.

A personal journey of recovery from severe depression with suicidal ideation fuels a daily quest

 for increased access to quality self-care products, self-help outlets, positive peer support, and advocacy.

We are committed to deliver quality self-care products, self-help outlets, and peer support every day.

We ensure a continuous variety of quality merchandise along with unique peer support to fit any budget.

Check it out to join and support SNL Outlet today!

Approximately 1 in 5 adults, experience some form of mental illness in a given year.

The topic of Mental illness is extremely hard to open up about to those around us due negative stigmas.

It's important that we move to Mental Health conversation topics with transparent discussions about how we are truly feeling,

how we are truly struggling in life, and what we are truly in need of to recover mental and physical wellness.

We at SNL Outlet are here to help, We at SNL Outlet got your hand. 


We at SNL Outlet understand that feeling of giving up, like there's nothing left,

but we know there is always a flicker of light inside of you that just needs to be found and seen.

Sometimes you just need to turn your face to the sun with open arms, like a sunflower, to lift the darkness.

We know that it is hard to do, so we're here to help everyone find your light to show that you are worthy of living;

to show you all those amazing things that you really do deserve in your life. 


Just like the Healing Journey - Salt n Light, Baby! (SNLB) helped our Founder/CEO discover in life!


Your Story Isn't Over; It Is Just Beginning...


Meet the Sunflowers

Salt n Light, Baby! ~ Heal & Bloom!


Passionate and Committed to Mental Illness Recovery

What really makes SNL Outlet great is our committed and positive peer-support team.

We’re excited to introduce people working behind the scenes at SNL Outlet.



Our Mottos


Salt n Light, Baby! Healing Journey, Aromatherapy on the Go self care products, Heal n Bloom group coaching, and The Sunflower Patch positive peer to peer support.  SNLBO advocates for Mental Health Wellness and Suicide Prevention.  Our motto is Heal n Bloom into living your best life.

SNL Outlet Elite Vendors

Salt n Light, Baby! CEO Danielle David
The Lou Ellen Project CEO Mars Eleese
Way of Play CEO Way David
Salt n Light, Baby! Logo
Ephesians 2:10
Email Sign Up

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